The power of technologically enhanced innovation

Since 2012.

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The number of successfully imp​lemented national and international projects so far, are just a proof of our commitement to the innovation!

Training & workshops

We actively organize specialized courses, workshops and other training events in wide range of disciplines.

Research & innovation

Our research activities are implemented in multidisciplinary perspectives and disciplines of digital technologies.


Our activities are mainly implemented within nationally and internationally funded project.

IT Academy

Special focus is put on education of young generations in the field of ICT.

Our centres

R&D activities are mainly implemented within two centres: Centre for Data Analytics and Centre for Cyber Security.

Partnership & cooperation

We are open for: new partnerships, new innovative ideas, new highly motivated young professionals!



About us

Institute of Modern Technologies Montenegro was established in 2012.

  • 01 Who we are?

    • Institute of modern technology Montenegro (IMTM) is private scientific research institution, established in 2012. IMTM research focus is the area of information and communication technology, mainly our research scope are cyber security, medical informatics and ICT in tourism.
    • The number of successfully implemented EU funded project so far, are just a proof of our commitment to the innovation.
    • Behind research activities, we are promoting the importance of ICT and transferring the knowledge, through organization of trainings for ICT professionals, as well for youth (highschool students).

    • The main activity of IMTM is realisation of international competitive, basic research programs and projects inorder to bring innovative solutions in Montenegro, as well as enhancement of lifelong and countioniusely education in the field of ICT.
    • Our activities can be grouped and divided into following: RESEARCH, INNOVATION, TRAINING AND EDUCATION


National and international projects

IMTM successfully implemented large number of national and international projects

  • Project call/category: Horizon Europe  


    Digital innovation hub for supporting the digital transformation of Montenegrin companies and the public sector

    Duration: January 2025 – December 2028

    Reference number: 101191463

    Project objectives: Leveraging the specialized expertise and advanced infrastructure of its partners, MontEDIH offers a comprehensive array of services including financial and business consulting, knowledge and technology transfer, pre-investment assessments for technology integration, as well as digital and physical product testing and demonstration activities. The project strategically targets sectors with transformative potential in Montenegro, such as tourism, agriculture, energy & environment, retail, manufacturing, and public administration. Employing a comprehensive strategy, MontEDIH will support every aspect of digital and green transformation, from strategy development and technology implementation to fostering a digital-first culture. By combining practical digitization projects, specialized educational and advisory services, and broad networking opportunities, MontEDIH encourages development of a cohesive ecosystem that connects the business sector, scientific research institutions, business and innovation support institutions, public sector and policymakers.

    Project coordinator: University of Montenegro (Montenegro)
    Project partners: Chamber of Economy of Montenegro (Montenegro), Institute of Modern Technologies of Montenegro (Montenegro), University of Donja Gorica (Montenegro), IEC Tehnopolis (Montenegro), Science and Technology Park Montenegro (Montenegro), Center for Finance DOO Podgorica (Montenegro), ICT Cortex (Montenegro)

    Overcoming Digital Divide in Europe and Southeast Asia- ODDEA

    Reference number: 101086381 Duration: November 2022 – October 2026

    Project objectives: The digital transformation and its support would lead to higher economic growth and, sustainable development and the increasing of the quality of life. The project is at timely as ever considering the current situation of digitization in the EU, EU associated countries (Montenegro) and developing countries in Southeast Asia region (Indonesia, Malesya, Thailand). The focus of the project is cooperation of the academic staff and doctoral students to engage in the research in the field of digitization, exchange their knowldge, ideas, and provide meaningful outputs and establish research collaboration in the field of digitization.

    Project coordinator: University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia)
    Project partners: AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland), Krakow University of Economics (Poland), University of Donja Gorica (Montenegro), Institute of Modern Technologies Montenegro (Montenegro), Szechenyi Istvan University (Hungary), MARA University of Technology (Malaysia), International College of NIDA (Thailand), Badan Wakaf University (Indonesia)
  • Project call/category: EUREKA

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    Advanced development of hemodialysis system with predictive fluid balance in body for kids- LifeForKids

    Project call/category: EUREKA
    Duration: December 2019 – December 2022

    Project objectives: The project provides a step forward in the hemodialysis process in underage children. It is aimed at a new generation of integarted solutions for personalized therapy for patients with chronic renal insufficiency.

    Project coordinator: Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak (Serbia)
    Project partners: University Children's Hospital (Serbia), Institute of Modern Technologies Montenego (Montenegro)
  • Project call/category: Interreg Programmes


    Applied Solutions for Monitoring Coastal Habitats and Quantifying Blue Carbon Storage: An Integrated Approach for Sustainable Ecosystem Management - BLUEQ

    Reference number: IPA-ADRION00447 Duration: September 2024 - August 2027

    Project objectives: The Blue-Q project focuses on the conservation and management of blue carbon ecosystems, specifically the Posidonia oceanica meadows, found in the Adriatic-Ionian Seas. These habitats are crucial for biodiversity, shoreline protection, and climate change adaptation. A lesser-known ecosystem service of seagrass meadows is their immense carbon sequestration and storage potential (blue carbon) which make these habitats ideal candidates for nature-based solutions to help countries meet their climate change commitments under the Paris Agreement. The project aims to develop a tailored solution and a roadmap for a Blue Carbon Strategy in the Adriatic-Ionian area, to raise social awareness about the role of these habitats in climate mitigation and secure transnational involvement in the long term. One key objective of BLUE-Q is the development of a set of interactive digital tools (BLUE-Q Solution) to monitor extreme weather and biological events related to climate change and translate ecosystem health and spatial extent into measurable services, or else, convert the spatial extent of seagrass meadows to carbon units and co-benefits (habitat provision).

    Project partners: University of the Aegean, Public Institution Nature of Šibenik- Knin County, University of Palermo, AULEDA - Local Economic Development Agency, Regional Education and Information Centre for Sustainable Development in SE Europe, Institute of modern technologies Montenegro, FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY HELLAS.

    Education Digital Gateway in the Danube Region- EDIGI-Bridge

    Reference number: DRP0401226 Duration: Septembar 2024 - August 2025

    Project objectives: The EDIGI-Bridge project is an innovative initiative that aims to prepare a project supporting the development of start-ups with a focus on digitalization in the partner countries of the Danube region. The aim of the project is to prepare a project proposal that will focus on the creation of a comprehensive set of educational programs and advisory services, specifically tailored to support digitally oriented start-ups. The prepared project will provide targeted support for the development of knowledge and skills that are necessary for their success in the digital economy. The prepared project will be based on a thorough needs analysis, which will include the analysis of secondary as well as the collection of primary data, as well as the analysis of relevant policies and strategic documents. A comprehensive study of potential sources of funding and grant schemes will also be processed, which will contribute to the effective selection of the grant scheme in which the project will be submitted. Institutions from Slovakia and Montenegro are participating in the project.

    Project partners: University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia), EconoMind (Slovakia), IMTM (Montenegro)

    Harmonisation of Missions in the Danube region- HARMONMISSONS

    Reference number: DRP0200475 Duration: January 2024 – June 2026

    Project objectives: The main objective is to harmonise the implementation of the European Missions on the Danube region level. HARMONMISSONS project observes significant disparities in the level of understanding, setup, and implementation of the European Missions among European regions. Therefore, the project is aimed to minimalize these disparities and help set up an effective Missions governing model on the Danube region level.

    Project coordinator: Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (Slovakia)
    Project partners: Slovak Organization for Research and Development Activities (Slovakia), Applied Research and Communications Fund (Bulgaria), Ukrainian Institute for International Politics (Ukraine), Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (Romania), Regional Agency for Socio – Economic Development – Banat Ltd (Serbia), Public Institution for the Development of Međimurje County REDEA (Croata), Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia (Slovenia), LIR Evolution (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Institute of Modern Technologies Montenegro (Montenegro), City of Košice (Slovakia)

    Ports small and medium alliance for sustainable development - PSAMIDES

    Reference number: 5350/5MED18_1.1_M23_061 Duration: November 2019 – June 2022

    Project objectives: Optimise the performance of small- and medium-sized ports, as well as marinas, through the implementation of innovative tools that help manage tourism flows, control costs more efficiently, provide more services to users and particularly boost the eco-innovation of these ports while reducing the negative environmental externalities resulting from tourism activity.

    Project coordinator: Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean (France)
    Project partners: Ports Illes Balears, Ports de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Port de Sete, Port of Heraklion, Pole Mer Med, Athena R&I Center, University of Rijeka, Institute of Modern Technologies Monteengro, SAS Novelties
  • Project call/category: Erasmus+/ Tempus     Capacity Building in the field of higher education


    Straightening Up Cybersecurity Posture of Montenegrin Higher Education system

    Reference number: 101179688
    Duration: ​December 2024 – November 2027

    Project objectives: CSupMNE project is designed to conduct sustainable systemic and structural improvements and modernisation of HE system of Montenegro (MNE) aimed on enabling assessment, protection, and management of the ever-increasing business risks and threats that are posed to the MNE HEIs in the digital world, and by doing so will help to ensure their staff, students and partners are protected throughout their journey within the HEIs.

    Project coordinator: University of Donja Gorica (Montenegro)
    Project partners: Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnidza(Poland), Hochschule Furwangen (Germany), Univerza V Mariboru (Slovenia), Univerzitet u Beogradu (Serbia), University of Montenegro (Montenegro), University Mediterranean (Montenegro), University Adriatic Bar (Montenegro), Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation of Montenegro (Montenegro), Institute of Modern Technologies of Montenegro (Montenegro), Chamber of Economy of Montenegro (Montenegro), Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education (Montenegro)

    Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro – PHELIM

    Reference number: 573997-EPP-1-2016-1- ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
    Duration: ​01/10/2016 – 30/09/2019

    Project objectives: PH-ELIM is focused on modernization of ME educational system in public health in accordance with interdisciplinary approaches widely used at EU HEIs, with simultaneous improving international visibility of ME HEIs, capacity building of their staff members, and creation of innovative evidence-based highly quality educational approaches. Developed system will be fully adapted to ME specificities and national needs and demands, thus making graduates capable to respond to modern challenges.

    Project coordinator: University of Donja Gorica (Montenegro)
    Project partners: Heidelberg University (Germany), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Greece), University of Debrecen (Hungary), University of health sciences, medical informatics and technology (Austria), University of Montenegro, Mediterranean University, Institute of Modern Technology Montenegro, Institute of Public Health Montenegro, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education Montenegro

    Enhancement of cyber educational system of Montenegro – ECESM

    Reference number: ​​544088-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SI-TEMPUS-JPHES Duration: 01/10/2016 – 30/09/2019

    Project objectives:The ECESM project has been designed to enhance overall cyber security posture of the Montenegro (ME) by accelerating the availability of educational and training resources designed to improve the cyber behaviour, skills, and knowledge of every segment of the population. The main project objective is to improve, develop and implement standards, guidelines and procedures at national system levels in ME in order to enable creation of agile and highly skilled forces capable of responding to a dynamic and rapidly developing array of e-threats.

    Project coordinator: University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Slovenia)
    Project partners: Buckinghamshire New University (United Kingdom), Università degli studi Roma Tre (Italy), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), Global Cyber Security Centre (Italy), University of Donja Gorica, University of Mediterranean, Institute of Modern Technology Montenegro, Ministry of Information Society and Telecommunications, Ministry of Education, Chamber of Economy of Montenegro

    Support and inclusion of students with disabilities at Higher education institutions in Montenegro – SINC@HE

    Reference number: 516758-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-GR-TEMPUS-JPGR Duration:15/10/2011 – 15/10/2014

    Project objectives: ​​The SINC@HE project has been designed to improve the quality and relevance of support and inclusion of students with disabilities in Montenegro. The main project objective is to create the conditions and standards that will assimilate the quality of inclusion of students with disabilities in EU HEIs and will be harmonized according to EU practices and policies. Developed standards would be incorporated into existing legal and sublegal acts at the national levels and at the HE institutional levels. A long term objective of the outcomes will be to strengthen the open society values regarding the inclusion of students with disabilities in HEIs.

    Project coordinator: University of Macedonia (Greece)
    Project partners: University of Macerate (Italy), University of Warsaw (Poland), Arcola research LLP (United Kingdom), Slovenian Association of Disabled Students (Slovenia), University of Donja Gorica, University Mediterannean, Institute for education and rehabilitation of persons with speech and hearing disorders, Kotor, Association of youth with disabilities, Podgorica, Institute of Modern Technology Montenegro, Ministry of Information Society and Telecommunications
  • Project call/category: ERASMUS+     Capacity Building in the field of youth


    Empowering mental health and well/being of youth in digital working and learning environment - BeWell@DIGITAL

    Reference number: 101052009
    Duration: 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2023

    Project objectives: BeWell@DIGITAL project is aimed at improving the status of mental health of youth (from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania) by empowering young people to enhance skills in digital educational routine and career development, creation of supportive peer-to-peer counselling mental health services and creation of new capacity building and employment opportunities for youth in digital working arena, all enhanced by innovative non-formal education experiences, new mobile tools and digital solutions, and open dialogue at local and national level that will reflect on broader EU area.

    Project coordinator: International Youth Health Organization (YHO), Slovenia
    Project partners: International Youth Health Organization (YHO), Slovenia (project coordinator) Institute of modern technology Montenegro (IMTM) Greek Biomedical and Health Informatics Association (GBHI) NGO CAZAS, Montenegro NGO PRONI Center for Youth Development, Bosnia and Herzegovina NGO Youth Act Center, Albania

    Supporting Female Youth from BiH and MNE in entrepreneurship, employment and leadership in ICT– FY4ICT

    Reference number: 589702

    Duration: 01/09/2017 – 30/06/2019

    Project objectives: FY4ICT project is aimed on educating and motivating female youth from BIH and MNE to start their careers by fostering entrepreneurial mind-set in ICT with the exchange of best practices and non-formal learning mobility with experienced EU partner institutions (from Slovenia and Bulgaria).

    Project coordinator: INTERA Tehnology Park (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Project partners: VEDOMA (Slovenia), Bulgarian Centre of Women in Technology (Bulgaria), Innovation Centre Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Institute of modern technology Montenegro, Municipality of Budva, Innovative Entrepreneurship Center “Tehnopolis”

    Enhancing Montenegrin and Serbian Entrepreneurship and Tourism – eMEETS

    Reference number: 589935

    Duration: ​01/01/2018 – 31/12/2019

    Project objectives: ​​The main goal of project is to educate and motivate young people to start their careers by fostering entrepreneurial mind-set, boosting employment of young people in tourism by building up their capacity, with the close inter-regional ME-RS cooperation, exchange of best practise (with highly experienced EU partner from Slovenia) and non-formal learning mobility with experience EU countries (Spain, Germany).

    Project coordinator: Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije (Montenegro)
    Project partners: Institute of modern technology Montenegro, Municipality of Budva, Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH – Innovation Centre “European Projects” (Germany), GEMS, Educación en Andalucia (Spain), GEA College – Faculty of Entrepreneurship (Slovenia)
  • Project call/category: Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)


    Modern technology development for Health Information System in Montenegro- HISTech

    Reference number: EuropeAid/136938/ID/ACT/ME; CFCU/MNE/010
    Duration: ​October 2016-October 2017

    Program: IPA – PreAccession Countries / New Member States

    Call: Transfer of knowledge between sectors of higher education, research and industry
    Coordinator: Institute of Modern Technology, Montenegro

    Market oriented research on SME perspective about cloud computing solutions in ME- Cloud4SME@MNE

    Reference number: EuropeAid/136938/ID/ACT/ME; CFCU/MNE/014
    Duration: ​October 2016-October 2017

    Program: IPA – PreAccession Countries / New Member States

    Call: Transfer of knowledge between sectors of higher education, research and industry
    Coordinator: IT Advanced Services doo, Montenegro
  • Project call/category: Bilateral projects

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    Scientific research in the field of application and introduction of artificial intelligence in e-learning teaching process

    Bilateral project: Montenegro-Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Participants: Institute of Modern Technology Montenegro (Montenegro); University “Džemal Bijedić“,Faculty of Information Technology (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

  • Other projects


    Danube DNA

    Interreg Programmes, Interreg Danube
    Project coordinator: Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad

    Description: IMTM led the development of knowledge transfer sessions across 12 countries in the Danube Region. These sessions were designed based on an analysis of smart specialization across the Danube region. The insights and outcomes of these efforts will be integrated into the DNA platform to ensure broad accessibility and application.

    The Danube DNA network will be the nucleus of integrative smart specialization, skills development, cross-sectorial collaborations, SMEs transformation, and transition towards industry and logistics 4.0, through the transfer of knowledge, inter‐regional capacity building, jointly developed solutions, and implementation of innovative and sustainable pilot actions.


    Cybersecurity Rapid Response for Albania, Montenegro & North Macedonia.

    Grant provider: European Commission.
    Project coordinator: e-Governance Academy, Estonia.

    Description: IMTM was responsible to provide support for the establishment of a functional governance model for cybersecurity and protection of critical infrastructure; Giving advice on how to adjust the normative-legislative framework on cybersecurity; 2023-2024.

    (Project) Description: A digital society with its assets and services cannot safely exist without a solid cybersecurity framework. Within the EU-supported project “Cybersecurity Rapid Response project for Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia” eGA experts contribute to the improvement of cyber resilience in compliance with EU acquis and best practice for these beneficiaries. The primary beneficiaries are public sector cybersecurity stakeholders in Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia. The outcome of the action is strengthened governance structures and improved cybersecurity incident and risk management of Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia


    Development of specialized software for education of children with disabilities

    Fields: mathematics, computational literacy, linguistic exercises, lifestyle skills and drawing IMTM is sub-contracted within IPA CBC Serbia Montenegro project “Support to Inclusive Education and Training for Everyday Life for Children and Youth with Disabilities” (Reference No.: EuropeAid/137273/DD/ACT/Multi)
    (Project) Description: The overall objective of the project is improvement of social inclusion and quality of life of children and youth with disabilities (CYWD) in Montenegro and Serbia through the development of cooperation in the cross-border regions and the use and sharing of human resources and achievements. IMTM was engaged by Day care center for children and youth with disabilities „Pljevlja“ to design specialized software for education in the following fields: mathematics, computational literacy, linguistic exercises, lifestyle skills and drawing. IMTM developed semi-customisable, multimedia software solutions in learning rehabilitation through use of assistive technology, developed on native language (Montenegrin or Serbian).


    Conducting survey among HPC providers and competence centers and Enterprises from automotive and electronic industry in Montenegro

    Description: IMTM is sub-contracted within InterReg Danube Transnational project “INNOHP C- High-performance computing for effective innovation in the Danube Region“ (Reference No.: DTP1-1-260-1.1/2)
    (Project) Description: The main objective of InnoHPC is to create transnational HPC laboratory for co-designing knowledge-intensive innovative products with high value-added in transnational value-chains. Key outputs are transnational InnoHPC Lab pooling regional HPC infrastructure and competencies, web platform providing HPC access, integrated services and capacity building tools, and sustainability toolkit, to support durability of InnoHPC Lab beyond the project.


    Platform for the Information Technology Aimed at Getting Opportunities to Reduce ICT gap in the Adriatic area – PITAGORA

    Description: IMTM is sub-contracted within IPA Adriatic project "Platform for the Information Technology aimed at Getting Opportunities to reduce ICT gap in the Adriatic area" for development of a software for the monitoring of fleet resources, monitoring fleet serves, monitoring inventories, etc. Mobile software applications for the application, verification, waste timetable for enterprises and private consumers including live tracking of vehicles (Android app: The Clean Environment Budva) ·
    (Project) Description: The general objectives of the Project are to develop ICT at the project area for the purpose of development of economy activities and support of public administration to the businesses. Specific objectives are building of ICT infrastructure, expansion of the services public administration offer, building the ICT capacities and promotion of usage of new technologies and its potentials.


    Development and delivering licensed services of social and child welfare for children, youth and adults with disabilities elder than 27 years in Pljevlja

    Title of the action: Development and delivering licensed services of social and child welfare for children, youth and adults with disabilities elder than 27 years in Pljevlja- CFCU/MNE/108
    IMTM task: Development, implementation and maintain of ICT platform for supporting service of day care for PWD 27+ years and service from CTSESs

    Duration: 01/03/2020- 28/02/2021

Trainings and workshops

IMTM experts actively organize specialized courses, workshops and other training events in wide range of disciplines, including programming, ICT standardization, cyber security, etc.

IMPLEMENTED WORKSHOPS (List of most referenced):

Digital transformation for SMEs in the tourism sector. 2024
Digital health literacy 2022
High Performance Computing 2019
Cloud computing and Helath Care cloud services 2018
Cyber security trainings for business sector 2015-2016
Statistical analysis in IBM SPSS Statistics 2014
Java programming language 2013
Development of web applications 2012

The pace and scale of change today is staggering

If you are ready to deal with challenges and want to make a better community by using of modern technologies, you should collaborate with us.


Naucno-tehnoloski park Crne Gore, Bulevar Mihaila Lalica b.b. 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora


+382 (0)20 648 177

Tenants of Science and Technology Park Montenegro

As new tenants, the Institute of Modern Technologies Montenegro will harness the park's resources to foster a dynamic environment for initiating, creating, and realizing groundbreaking projects in digital and green transformation

EU Digital Innovation Hubs

Actively facilitating the digital and green transformation of SMEs and public sector organizations in Montenegro, connected to the EU's network of Digital Innovation Hubs

Funded by EDIH